Well, my friend Amanda tagged me (I'd make her name a different color and include a link, but I have no clue how. So find it on the side of ours--it's called "From our Front Porch looking In") and so it's my turn to spill all about my husband. Here goes:
Husbands name: Joel Oliver Smith. Yep--that's where we got the name Oliver. I really liked that name. Oh, and when we first starting getting to know each other in college, I guessed his middle name in ONE guess! (after he told me it started with an 'O'!)
How long married: 6 years last July 20th.
How long dated: officially? a year and a half.
How old is he: 29....and he'll be 30 next September! Wow. That sounds old.
Taller: He is. By about 5 or 6 inches.
Who can sing the best: him. He actually has a VERY nice singing voice. And, in 7th grade, he had the male solo for "I can show you the world" from Aladdin. Ask him about it--he loves to share that with anyone! :-)
Smart: Definitely him. But we are smart in different ways. But if it includes anything having to do with math or numbers or grass, it's him.
Laundry: Hmmmm...we both actually do it. I have a hard time FINISHING laundry--he is much better about starting it and then getting it all done. But many nights, he ends up folding what I started, and I appreciate that SO much! Funny story--when I first met him, we'd often do our laundry together at his Aunt Marge's house. I thought it was so funny how particular he was about folding his jeans and towels--he'd literally lay them on the floor to smooth them out and make sure that jeans were folded in a trifold. I still have to do that for him.
Paying bills: Well, our bills are paid online now--but he is definitely the finance genius of the house. I try hard to keep in touch with what's going on--and our spending plan has really helped this. But frankly, I could just care less about that stuff...even though I KNOW it's important. And if you want to see amazing financial spreadsheets--he's the man!
Who sleeps on the right side of bed: Me and my giant body pillow do. And he'd argue that I take part of the left side as well. (but it's really NOT true!)
Mows the lawn: Joel does this most of the time. I don't know that I can even say 'most'. I don't mind mowing, but #1) he loves to do it (seriously!) #2) he does it like 2-3 times a week, and #3) he likes it mowed a certain way. Plus, that mower gets heavier each year!!!
Cooks dinner: Oh, I do this most of the time. But it's not because he isn't quite capable of this. It's just the pattern we've settled into. But he cooked a lot when we were first married--and still has several specialty things he makes--like DOMINATE cheesecake!
First to admit they are wrong: hmmm...actually, this is a tough one. He might disagree with me--but I think the answer is me.
Who kissed first: He kissed me. On Valentine's Day, 2000. And it was BOTH of our first kiss!
Who wears the pants: Define "pants".... Okay, seriously, that's another tough one. I mean, I married him because I respect him and love him and definitely think he is one of the wisest people I know. So I don't mind it that he makes many decisions, especially since making decisions is not a favorite past time of mine. But I think we both make many decisions. We talk and discuss lots, and if we disagree--than it usually goes to him.
And here he is!
And now I tag the following people: Alisha, Chelsie, and Erin
The talent show
3 days ago