organizational tools. Okay! I hear you laughing!!!! I know I'm not probably the one you'd have come to for organization advice (see my kitchen drawers, my classroom at school, and my closet...)
but I HAVE found a few ideas that have helped me keep sane. So, here are my top no particular order.
(ahem...drum roll, please...)
#3: My list of meals
Every couple of weeks I plan out a week and a half to two weeks worth of meals. Then, I do ONE big shopping trip for all of that. It's nice to KNOW what I'm making before the morning of (or an hour before!) and it's fun to look through magazines or recipe books looking for meals. This way, I can also plan one big shopping trip for a certain morning of the week, instead of having to run to Walmart several times. (At least, that's the idea. Some weeks I completely space things out and have to go back...) And a bonus--this way saves money!
#2: My first year baby calendar
I make a 'first year' scrapbook for each kid. I like to record milestones, how much they weighed, important events, etc. for each month. To make this easy--I keep that page on our fridge and add to it when something happens. This page isn't started yet, since it's only the 2nd--but I'll add her weight from her appointment this week, the fact that she's getting dedicated on Mother's Day...things like that.
#1: My basket of goodies
This has been HUGE!!! Before, the piano became the collection place or everything: the checkbook, books, mail, checks to deposit, pictures, you name it. Now, things fit into this handy, yet stylish basket. And we always know where something is if it's not where it's supposed to be! :-)
So, if you're wanting to get ideas from
expert organizers, talk to my friends
Mira or
Amanda, or my sister,
But if you're just wondering what to do with all that clutter on your piano, I'm your woman!