Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas Break started out with snow--HOORAY!!  The kids loved it, and were outside by 7:20am.  Lily couldn't stay out so long--she gets cold fast.  But Oliver--he was outside much of the day.  

They also had fun playing together:  legos, crafts, helping me with cookies, even Santa showed up!  And Lily's answer to the question, "What do you want for Christmas?"  "An ipad."  EVERYTIME.  Thankfully, she was happy with the non-ipad gifts she DID receive!

We had our family Christmas at home with my parents on Saturday before we left for Chicago and Indiana.  We had so much fun: a fancy dinner, the kids quoted a portion of Luke 2 they had learned, and then we opened gifts!

Afterwards, Oliver was able to make a microphone stand with some PVC building pieces he got, which was a perfect opportunity to sing Christmas carols with the guitar, and Lily on the mic. 

The next day, we took off for Courtney's place in KC!

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