Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer 2013 {Week 5}

  This week got HOT!  So what do Kansans do when the weather heats up?  We STAY. IN. WATER!!!!!

And sometimes, we stay inside and read.  Brahm loves this chair, 
and when his favorite book is involved, it's even better!

SPRINKLER PARK!  We love this place, and even Brahm loves it!  
He is a crazy man in the water!

  Oliver decided he can make omelets now, so two mornings he got up, made himself an omelet, and then shared with Brahm.  What a kid.

Oliver has gotten into "shooting birds" with his nerf weapons.  Brahm joined in the fun this week, so we had stalwart protectors of our house and livelihood.  Thank goodness.

Lily finished her last round of swimming lessons this week and loved it.  She is getting so comfortable in the water!

Finally, we had the chance to use all of our swimming skills at Joel's cousin's pool.  They let us come over whenever (usually once the temps hit 100, we call them!) and hang out for a while.  We ALL love swimming at Tim and Lisa's pool!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer 2013 {Week 4}

 This week has consisted of mainly two things:  T-ball games and swimming.  

Oh, and Oliver and Brahm now do THIS a lot....

Now that the weather is HOT, we spend lots of time everyday swimming.  Good thing they like the water!  :-)

And T-Ball.  Oliver loves playing T-ball, and honestly, their team is really starting to put some great plays together!  It's so fun to watch them learn!

"Hey Lily, do you want to come sit in the dug-out with me?"
She loves being in there with him.

The fans.

On to Week 5!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer 2013 {Week 3}

This week was less busy than last (thankfully!) but we still managed to pack it full! 
Brahm started the week with a new haircut.  I was so NOT excited about buzzing his hair!  He had beautiful hair that laid well!!!!  But Joel and Mr. Buzzy got the job done, and and it looks great!  Brahm even sat perfectly still for the whole thing!

The kids did a bunch of exploring this week.  They packed backpacks, water bottles, purses, and Oliver even packed a large cardboard fold-out bed....then, off they went!  Attached at the hip with a bungee, they trekked all around the yard for hours.  And every time they'd leave, Lily would say, "There's adventure out there!" and give me a double-high-five!  (Word on the street is this came from their missions time at VBS...)

We found out this week that Brahm loves sweet corn....

...and the pool.  He climbs to the highest step on our little ladder and JUMPS in, often times going all the way under.  But in his little floatie, he just bounces right back up with a huge grin on his face!  But WOW, I can't take my eyes off of him!

Summer School.  The kids love working on school stuff, so most mornings we spend a few minutes on "school".  Even Brahm joined the fun this time!

Finally, the kids got the great idea Thursday to hold a garage sale.  They  gathered 10-15 items that they didn't want, priced them (anywhere from $2-15), and then stood behind the van hoping for customers.  When someone WOULD drive by, they'd blow their whistle and shake their money bag at them.  I should add here that we live on a 2 people drove by.  :-)  

When business wasn't as good as they had hoped, it was a good chance for Joel to teach them basics of economics...he said, "You have to have stuff people want, have to have it priced right, and people have to know about your sale."  After considering his words, they went inside and brought out a toy marked "FREE" to lure the masses....

Things are never dull around here!