If you don't know me very well, or haven't known me very long--you may not know this about me: I have very odd, vivid, RANDOM dreams at night. Now, I'm not as bad as my brother, who actually carries out these weird dreams (ask him about flying in Mexico). I just wake up and throughout my day remember these dreams. For instance, as I was turning my curling iron on this morning, I realized (and then hastily ran to blog about this) that last night I had a dream about curling my hair. Imagine this:
I'm in my blue bathroom. My curling iron is on. In the sink, there is a cup half full of water with parmesan cheese on top. There is so much cheese, that you can't tell there's water--unless you were to stick your finger in far enough. So, I take my curling iron (which is ON by the way), stick it in the cup, and then curl my hair. You know, so I have parmesan cheese caked into my hair. Only after doing this several times do I (in my dream) realize that sticking a plugged-in appliance into a cup of water is slightly dangerous. Oh well, I continue to finish my 'do.
I'm pretty sure this came from the "Sparky's Hazard House" presentation that the fire department did with our 3rd graders last week. So it's completely logical that I'd dream this. But please--if you ever see flecks of parmesan-looking substances stuck to my curls--mention it to me.
All the way my Saviour leads me
4 days ago
Oh my. So the fact that you've been to how many fire dept. presentations and you still dream about this... and where did the cheese come from? I have vivid dreams too - but never is cheese part of them. Weird Kendall. So what really does happen if you put a curling iron into a cup of water and cheese? I'm curious.
That's stinkin high-larry-us. I'm sitting here giggling!
That is a hilarious dream. All I can say is perhaps you're spending too much time in the kitchen and need a night out. (?)
either too much time in the kitchen... or too much time in the bathroom...
that is really strange Kendall. i see you in a whole new light...hehe
just kidding!
oppsss...the last comment was from Andrea =)
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