Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snow Days 2013

We had a 6 day-long weekend due to snow here in Kansas.  That is unheard of.  The weather-freak in me was ELATED.  The mother in me, OVERWHELMED.  I am NOT a homebody, and these 6 days of everyone home made me MORE than a little stir-crazy.  But we survived, and I was so glad that Oliver and Lily are old enough to love the snow.  They spent many hours outside playing, and even Brahm tried it out!  Since I don't take pictures very often, I figured this would be a good time to chronicle all the different things we did over that long weekend:

 The snow started, and we were pretty much glued to the windows.  Luckily, we had done our grocery shopping the day before, so all we needed to do was stay warm and enjoy the beautiful snow!
 When we woke up Thursday, there was a LOT of snow!  It easily reached up to Oliver and Lily's thighs in front of the house.

 Laundry basket fun.  For some reason, this is one of their FAVORITE things to play with!

 Playing on mommy's bed...he was CRAZY wild that day!
 Building fort #1 with Taylor...

 She tries to occasionally clip Brahm's nails.  Luckily, I stopped her after taking this picture.  :-)

 Snowman Smith came to life Saturday, after the first snow storm stopped and before the second one came...
 Brahm and me...

 Taking rides on Dave's four-wheeler--the kids LOVED this!
Sunday, before the second storm, we went to El Dorado to go sledding down the HUGE hills on the back side of the dam.  Unfortunately, the snow was TOO soft, and we had to push ourselves down.  Here is Oliver coming down...

 The kids got into the cartoon version of "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe", so that was a favorite over the weekend.  Fit in well with the snow, I thought!

 Seriously, he loves this spot.  Anytime he can be alone, with a snack, he is in toddler-heaven.


Taylor and Mason came over one morning for a change of scenery (and thankfully, Oliver and Lily were able to go next door the day before...just before my mental break-down....)  :-)

 They watched a movie under the coffee table, played games, and had fun with balloons.
 Building fort #2...

 This boy LOVES a good mirror session.  He plays hide-and-seek with the mirror-version of himself.  Pretty funny to watch!

 I allowed more than normal amounts of screen time...and I didn't even feel that guilty about it!  :-)
 It really was a beautiful snow....just incredible.
 We made bubble goo....cornstarch and hand soap.  It was fun to play with for a while!

It's good to have these pictures.  We DID have fun together!  Joel was able to be home for most of the first 4 days of it, which was so fun.  And we'll always remember the Blizzard of Oz 2013!

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