Friday night, some of our small group friends came over and we wrapped up gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We also snacked, and watched the kids. At one point, all four kids were in Ollie's crib jumping up and down--it was hilarious!!!
Saturday, my parents and sister came over because Courtney is going to Denver for a month to help with the OCC packaging plant. Ollie just LOVES Aunt Neenee, so it's always fun when she's around. He just clings to her when she's here--this picture is from right after he woke up for a nap--he was so cuddly.
Finally, Courtney, being the talented cook/baker that she is, created some amazing cookies:
Those pictures are cute! Can you send me ones of the kids?
Um... this isn't my best Obama... the teeth thing didn't really work as planned. Oh well, glad they were good!!
Off to Denver... see ya in a month!
wondering if you had any "kool-aid" with that cookie??
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