Well, contrary to my last post, there shouldn't be any gas in this one. In fact, this may take on a markedly DIFFERENT tone...
I'm just having one of those thinking days. Sometimes I just get those--lost in my thoughts. Our Sunday service prompted this one. We had a guy from World Impact come and talk--fascinating stuff. He started a ministry in the inner city of L.A. way back in the 70's and this has grown to be a nation-wide mission. Anyway--his points were very biblical--that Jesus came to save those who were lost and that God's heart is for the poor, sick, blind, and oppressed. (widows, poor, and orphans) This is something that God continues to bring to my heart.
I get increasingly uncomfortable sometimes with our very comfortable lifestyle. We don't struggle financially. We have excess food on the table. We are surrounded by loving, godly friends. We are involved in an incredible church where we have such wonderful support and opportunities to grow.
But sometimes, I just wonder if this is where God wants us. Joel and I talked after church about something that we're doing with our Young Married's ministry. We just got talking about how little we really rely on God's strength for decisions and everyday stuff. I feel so often like I do much of what I do in my own strength--through my own logic and wisdom. Now don't get me wrong--I believe more and more that God gives us wisdom and logic for a reason. In fact, I really think that God does more "shaping and growing" us over the long run than we ever know. So I know that he probably won't send down neon signs for me--trust me, I've prayed for that many times.
But I just am feeling more and more like, certainly this isn't all. Certainly there's more that God wants to do in this world through his people. And in order for that to happen--we have to know him, and trust him and take wild leaps of faith where he's leading us. Now I don't want to deny that God is working here in Newton, in our church, even in the Young Married's ministry. He is. We see evidence of that so often.
It just makes me reflect on my own life. I haven't leaped in a while. In fact, I don't even know where TO leap. I don't want to get so comfortable with our level of living and trusting God that I miss out on some amazing things that he would love to do in and through me. I want to know for certain that we're where God wants us to be. I want to see God come through in some amazing ways in circumstances that were "impossible" otherwise. I want to be a part of something so much bigger than just me.
Anyone else agree?
All the way my Saviour leads me
4 days ago
definatly agree! its so easy to become comfortable. when i was listening in the sermon i thought 'no way would i be comfortable in the inner city!' but that's just it-we're not called to be comfortable-we're called to serve God no matter what the circumstance. so, no-you're not the only one that thinks on these things!!! =)
Houston is calling us Johnson's.
I totally agree! Did Jesus really come for us to have comfortable lives? The thing I keep thinking is that, what if I'm not called somewhere else? I'm still called to live my life passionately trusting him. Maybe that's harder! Living differently than everyone else in our day to day lives.
yes, I agree with that. I think the hardest part is to live radically in the midst of normal everyday life.
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