#10- You at any point in your day have to remind your child "not to dig" in their diaper.
#9- Your child climbs everything. Large piles of wood, onto your sewing machine, the toilet, your kitchen cupboards...
#8- You remind your child that he can only "spit outside".
#7- You remind your child that he can only "throw balls outside".
#6- You remind your child that he can only "hit the floor and wood" with his hammer. (not people)
#5- Lining up cars to race is a favorite past time.
#4- He is un-fazed by spankings.
#3- You hear car, truck, train, and airplane noises interspersed throughout conversation, and even during prayers.
#2- You have to explain why we can't turn the air compressor on right now.
#1- "Poop" has become a common topic of conversation (his, not ours) as well as the topic of many made-up songs.
We love our boy. More than we can ever explain. But it sure gets interesting! And here is a video of his softer side--singing along (and dancing!) to "Mighty to Save".
All the way my Saviour leads me
4 days ago
He ought to join the worship team at church! Wouldn't that be some action on the stage?!
Love it!!! I'm right there with you...although soon I will be having double the boy activity going on in my house!!!
And they never get dizzy...
yeah ollie spinning for 40 seconds straight... ugh. i spin once and i have motion sickness.
LOVE the list and the video is awesome! What a sweet heart in that boy! Jason was hoping to get to see him when you come to visit in May. He always gets a kick out of Ollie stories! In fact, we periodically say, "Making it...sticker charge..."
You are learning fast! add he cries when he cannot go and work with his dad
he says anything pink is for girls not boys.
wants to go outside at all hours of the day
likes to watch power rangers and then kick-box with his sisters
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